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Early Learning + Care

Changing the Game

on Early Learning and Care

Ensuring everyone has access to affordable & high quality child care is important because when low-income families have access to affordable, high-quality early learning and child care (ELCC) parents and caregivers are able to pursue educational and employment goals knowing that their children are well cared for and supported, which leads to greater financial security for a family, promotes gender equality, increases women's labour force participation and enhance children's well-being.

The Importance of Early Learning and Care

Providing high quality affordable childcare is a critical component to ending poverty for children and families in Edmonton.

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How We Work

EndPovertyEdmonton funds the Edmonton Council for Early Learning and Care (ECELC). The Council conducts research and builds on existing capacities and is providing leadership in managing, planning and supporting the development of an coordinated system of high-quality early learning and care services for the advancement of affordable quality child care in Edmonton, with an emphasis on meeting the needs of low-income and vulnerable families. on early learning and care and advises EndPovertyEdmonton. Working from a broad mandate, ECELC strives to identify systemic barriers that keep low-income families from accessing affordable, quality, and inclusive childcare. Together, both groups advocate for improvements to childcare and advise governments municipally, provincially and federally.

Not only can affordable, quality child care and education help kids get a good start in life, it can also help parents create a better life for the whole family.

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Learn more


For more information on ECELC and to view their research and publications, please visit the ECELC website and for our most recent information post about the $10-a-day childcare funding model, please read our blog.

Who is involved

with Early Learning and Care

Heather Raymond
Director, Early Learning and Care
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Leah Oakley
Director, Early Learning and Care (On Leave)
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EndPovertyEdmonton Blog & Events

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